NuOp - The Business Opportunity Exchange & trade
  • Real Estate Agent in NY, USA, NY needed

    Karen has created an open referral and is seeking candidates. Claim now to become a candidate for this referral

    General Information

    Op Type:




    Looking For:

    Real Estate Agent


    NY, USA


    June 21st 2022

    Client Type:


    Property Type:








    RENTAL NEED IN NYC..... I have 3 clients with whom I have personal connection with, who are looking to relocate to NYC together. They are seeking a 3-bedroom rental, preferably in lower Manhattan or somewhat near FIT. They are in town TODAY and tomorrow morning and are in need of a RENTAL AGENT to show them options. Budget is $4500/month max. Looking for an August 1 move-in but would consider an earlier date if need be. They have one small dog. MUST LEASE SOMETHING BEFORE LEAVING NYC TOMORROW. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.

    Other Information

    Client Source:


    Client Status:

    Ready NOW!

    Last Contact:

    June 20th 2022

    Referral Terms

    No fee required

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