NuOp - The Business Opportunity Exchange & trade
  • Real Estate Agent in Jackson, California, CA needed


    This Referral has been Awarded.

    General Information

    Op Type:




    Looking For:

    Real Estate Agent


    Jackson, California


    December 15th 2022

    Client Type:


    Property Type:

    Single Family







    **Required: Winning agent will need 2+ years of full-time real estate experience (Will be verified prior to awarding). I am the managing broker for this client but you are welcome to let the client know that the referral came from an agent by the name of Margaret Wight. Client is a first time buyer so please help her find a great lender who will assist her in obtaining a USDA no money down loan with a low interest rate and try to negotiate the seller to pay closing costs. She is open to doing a townhome or condo. She wants a place with minimal or no yard work but needs a place for her kids to play. Best time to reach her is by text in the evening. She and her family plan to relocate from Lockwood, California, in May 2023. She is looking for a 3-4 bedroom with convection oven if possible. Thank you!

    Other Information

    Client Source:

    Recent Lead

    Client Status:

    Ready in 2-6 Months

    Last Contact:

    December 15th 2022

    Referral Terms
    Fee Requirements

    35% of Real Estate Commission

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