NuOp - The Business Opportunity Exchange & trade
  • Real Estate Agent in Orange County, New York, NY needed


    This Referral has been Awarded.

    General Information

    Op Type:




    Looking For:

    Real Estate Agent


    Orange County, New York


    December 26th 2022

    Client Type:


    Property Type:








    This is a qualified rental lead. Was working with this lead on home buying but has decided to rent for a year and then buy. Was working with a Mortgage Lender on getting preapproved but has decided that she wants to rent for a year as she had a sprinkler system cause damage in her current apartment. Currently staying in a hotel due to water damage and needs to find a rental ASAP. Rental client now but will be a buyer client in 8 months. Referral fees of 10% for rental and then 10% as a home buyer in one year or more. - Location: Goshen, Florida, Chester, Warwick, Monroe, Harriman, Greenwood Lake. Rental: Apartment, condo or even small house.. 2 bedrooms - can do possibly 1 bedroom 1 bath room. Price range: $2000 max. credit score: 600. Good employment - Employed at St. Anthony's Hospital in Warwick. Has no pets

    Other Information

    Client Source:

    Recent Lead

    Client Status:

    Ready NOW!

    Last Contact:

    December 26th 2022

    Referral Terms
    Fee Requirements

    10% of Real Estate Commission

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